Course Date:

    Monday 9th September 2024 - Wednesday 11th September 2024

    Intensive Three Day Beginner

    3 days devoted purely to flowers. 3 days of creative playtime.

    Promised to be a busy few days, you will make 6 arrangements in total - all of which are yours to take home and enjoy!

    Each session starts with a demonstration showing you how it's possible to make gorgeous flowery pieces. It's then over to you to get creative and put everything into practice.

    Our beautiful school room will be filled with the most gorgeous seasonal flowers and foliage. Flowers that make you feel happy, and make the learning process easier and much more fun!

    Our learning environment is very informal and relaxed. There will be lots of flowery chats, tea and laughter. We want you to come and enjoy the whole experience, whilst releasing your inner florist.

    Areas covered include:

    • Care and conditioning
    • Plant materials - types of flowers and foliage available and different stem types
    • Shapes of flowers and how they are used in design
    • Sundry items used in flower arranging
    • Basic shapes and styles of design
    • Principles and elements
    • Using floral foam and different types
    • Health and safety - use of floristry equipment
    • Colour wheel
    • Juxtaposition in colour

    Designs covered:

    • Day one - Tied designs
    • Day two - Parallel design, Contemporary Cube Designs
    • Day three - Radiating design

    The Flowers

    There will be a lot of flowers and they will always be the stars of the show. We choose the absolute best quality and most beautiful flowers. Wherever possible the flowers will be sourced from our amazing British suppliers.

    Teaching Style

    Our practical sessions begin with a teacher demonstration where we talk you through the relevant techniques and give you advice as to what flowers work well and why. We aim to inspire and guide you but never expect you to simply copy what we have done. This is your chance to play, experiment and be free. The session is then followed by friendly and constructive feedback.

    We encourage you to learn and be inspired by your fellow students and we strive to give you as much of our knowledge as we possibly can.

    Support and Aftercare

    We aim to try and answer all your questions on the course and don't consider any question 'too stupid'. The more you ask, the more we can tell you!

    Each day starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. There is an hour lunch break where you can pop into our wonderful market town.


    Whether you're wanting to dip your toes into the world of floristry or just fancy 3 days of having fun with flowers. Everyone is welcome - no previous experience necessary.

    Course Details:

    • 09th September - 11th September
    • 10:00pm - 16:00pm
    • £720.00 per person.
    • Unit 2 Elms Walk, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 2FE

    Course Price:


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